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Claas Kubanke

Vergleich von Strategien bei der Auswertung von Laserscandaten in der Architektur-Vermessung : Genauigkeitsbetrachtungen von Building Information Models auf der Grundlage von Punktwolken

Hochschule Neubrandenburg, 2015

Abstract: This thesis deals with the documentation of buildings by using 3D-Modelling based on laser scan data. At first general information is given about building inspection and Building Information Modeling, next the processing of measurement by terrestrial laser scanning is described as well as the data analysis with the software solutions of LupoScan, Rhinoceros, VisualARQ, Revit 2015 and Scan to BIM. Finally it is explored how accurate the modelled components can reflect the measured state of the building. As part of this piece of work it should be cleared whether the Building Information Modeling is a trendsetting method and to what extent the topical modelling attempts are suitable for a documentation of the continuance.

bachelor thesis   free access    




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