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Friederike Thome

Vergleich individueller, aus branchentypischen Belastungen und Beschwerden resultierender Maßnahmen der Betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung zweier klein- und mittelständischer Handwerksbetriebe : In zwei ausgewählten Metallhandwerksbetrieben

Hochschule Neubrandenburg, 2009

Abstract: The treatise elaborates on sector- specific strains and complaints of two chosen metal industries. By means of comparison of both concerns potential specifications should be verified. In the first instance the metal industry will be described in detail. Furthermore sector- specific strains and complaints will be pointed out. Adjacent data of questionnaires of workplace health promotion will be analyzed, summarized and recommendations of interventions will be revealed. Finally both industrial sectors will be compared with each other to draw a conclusion of the results.

bachelor thesis   free access    




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