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Mathias Kupke

Neugestaltung Neuer Markt Stralsund

Hochschule Neubrandenburg, 2008

Abstract: The New Market (Neuer Markt) in Stralsund is an important square for the old town (Altstadt). It is the south-eastern centre of the medieval part of the town and the first highlight when you are entering the old town from southeast. The square was redesigned in 1968 with the result of turning it into a parking site - an improvement in those days, but a problem for the city today. This thesis analyses the place „Neuer Markt“ and creates a concept which turns the square into a public space for everyone again. It has a special emphasis on the demands and conditions of the surrounding. The design itself is reserved but modern and forms a contrast to the usual design within the world heritage site „Altstadt Stralsund“.

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