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Enrica Hinz

Gesundheitsförderung bei Kleinkindern : Eine empirische Studie über die Inanspruchnahme von Früherkennungsuntersuchungen im Kindesalter auf Grundlage der Einschulungsuntersuchungen und der BZgA-Aktion "Ich geh´zur U! Und du?" in Neubrandenburg

Hochschule Neubrandenburg, 2009

Abstract: Secondary prevention by means of screening tests has been supplied by statutory health insurance (SHI) physicians in Germany for a long time, particularly with the aim of early diagnosis and prevention of possible diseases. This study examines the utlilization of early recognition screening tests with a regional view Neubrandenburg. The data on early recognition screening provided by this study can be used to determine how the offer of screening programs is utilized. The concern of this work is also to find out why some parents do not participate in all parts of the screening tests with their children. Based on the literary analysis and the results of the presented study own strategies to improve the utilization of early recognition screening tests are proposed.

master thesis   free access    




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